DeInfra Testnet

It is an incentivised testnet campaign

DeInfra (decentralized infrastructure) defines as:
The infrastructure where you can host all parts of a web3 app without exception in a single decentralized environment
Sophisticated infrastructure that enables to build and deploy full-fledged web3 apps with functionality that goes far beyond the capabilities of smart contracts
This is a completely different level of decentralization, security and scalability in comparison to L1 blockchains, as you still need somewhere to store data, front-end, etc to develop
full-fledged dApps
This name perfectly reflects our vision and a testnet purpose
The main purpose of our team is to build DeInfra
And that's not possible without a strong tech community. Our Testnet campaign is a first big step for us to build a community
We're looking to bring strong and technically savvy pros into our community as crucial contributors and future builders of DeInfra
Test the network and collect UX/UI feedback
Test the stability of nodes with different technical configurations
Test the stability of chains (shards) with different settings
Test interactions between chains
Test experimental features
Build a community of involved tech-savvy users
The purpose of DeInfra Testnet
The company allocates 2,500,000 SK tokens in total to the testnet campaign
Active testneters will be awarded by project tokens at the end of the campaign. Most valuable participants could become node providers within Mainnet and members of Power DAO
Node providers, developers, QA testers are all invited to participate and will be rewarded for their contributions toward our goal
Phase II
Level of requirements:
DeInfra Seed
DeInfra Seeders
to launch seeds (read-only) nodes
Phase I
Level of requirements:
DeInfra Basis
DeInfra Builders
to launch different types of chains with different tech requirements to nodes and different block finalization time
Phase III
Level of requirements:
DeInfra Experimentum
DeInfra Disrupters
Terribly High
challenges for the most experienced and battle-hardened web3 fighters! Most of the stuff you'll experience will be the world's first stuff
Phases, members, challenges:
Don't miss our various incentivized campaigns
Check out the community page
By the way, right now you can already run the chain locally. If you're curious, read
the documentation here
Power DCloud is a comprehensive decentralized infrastructure for the web3 market. It is an end-to-end platform with a single entry point for web3 app developers and end-users.

The Power DCloud has a web3 store where developers can build, deploy & distribute and users can utilize apps without even having to download them to their phone or PC